is a transfer portal focused on the supply of chauffer driven car hire services in Italy.
In order to safeguard the rights of all our customers, we are glad to operate with full transparency by listing here below full details about our company.

COMPANY OWNER: Rometours365 by Massimo Sensi
Address: Via Pian due Torri 90 – 00146 Rome (RM)
COMPANY ACTIVITY: Chauffeur Driven Car Rental Agency
Government Authorization: REA RM 1305373
Authorization: Nr. 085
Issued by: Roma Capitale Authority

Our services, both in Rome and throughout Italy are run by qualified drivers, fully licensed and duly covered by all the relevant insurance plans.
Any possible brokerage activity is performed under the coverage of a Travel Agency’s licence, just as required by the Italian laws.
Every effort by our company represents the constant witness of our intention to grant to all our customers a peaceful and relaxed service, taking care on their behalf of all the operations related to the organization of a smooth and relaxing service.